2.0 Status

I like to keep transparency on our software status.

We started testing 2.0 last week and are continuing testing this week. So far so good, but there is a lot of code to test.

Firmware, iOS, Android, Webapp, and Cloud API. :wink:

At the end of this week I’ll try to post another update.

Hope to have some sort of video this week showing the app off.

TLDR; we are making great progress and testing will dictate when the app is released.



Hi @franz - i vote for no more teasing. This is worse than the run up to Christmas! :wink: I don’t care how old I am, I’m staying awake day and night waiting for 2.0! :smile:

Thanks for that, development team is literally laughing out loud right now. @emil We need to get @SteinyD on the beta list, stat! Should have a beta candidate release this week.


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I’ll beta test too :wink:

Let me know if you need any other beta testers!!!

@cfagyal @Striker169 Thanks for volunteering!

I’ll let @emil coordinate, but we need to keep list somewhat small so we can get quality vs. quantity feedback :wink:


@SteinyD, @cfagyal, @Striker169, I’ll be in touch by email to get you signed up for the beta list :smiley:


Emil - I could help with the beta as well if needed - I have a high degree of chaos tolerance…

Thanks @Tomzo, I’ll be in touch :blush:

If possible, I would like to be a Beta tester as well. Very interested and excited to see the new feature set in 2.0! Please add me if possible!!! :wink:

I would also love to beta test 2.0. I’m very interested in the flex scheduling – the all-or-nothing approach to skipped watering days doesn’t work well for these (unusual) stretches of cloudy/light rain days!

I’d love to beta test too.

I think Franz just has his marketing hat on and is creating hype. The app is done and he’s at a Rockies game right now relaxing. :smile:

LOL, I wish. We can actually see Coors Field from our office, which just adds insult to injury. The team is busy chunking away. To give you an idea around the testing effort and amount of code, I planned on one week of testing resources, which is now turning into 4 weeks.

The whole team wants to get this out the door so we can focus on a much better 2-3 week feature cadence/delivery.

I hate these big drops.


If you need any more BETA testers please let me know. More then happy to help!

@franz - having just completed rolling out a major app for 24,000 IT users in our global enterprise, I fully appreciate the amount of testing that needs to happen before releasing a product. Not to completely compare as this was internal versus an external commercial venture, we all have a reputation to protect! I’m sure you guys won’t, but don’t cut testing short! It’s the most important part of the entire SDLC! I completely understand why you can’t slap a date on release.

As @emil offered, I’d be very happy to participate in a test and provide required feedback to help ensure a quality product is being delivered!

You guys are getting a tremendous amount of positive press, from CNN Business (I read the article on their website and saw the video) and others. I’m happy to help keep the momentum strong!

@SteinyD Yes, that! No envy here :smile:

I’m sure @emil will take you up on that!

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As always, I would love to BETA Test as well. Let me know if I can be of use!

@SteinyD, we’re good to go!

@ruzickab, @jfinley, @thepro8, @MaverickC2, @utemorley2012 – I’ll be in touch soon :smiley:


If any more testers are needed, I’m good at finding bugs:) Thanks

@emil, please add me as well. Thanks. I totally thought the Android update recently was 2.0 coming out.